SEE YA LATER, Coach Coleigh!
Coach Coleigh is one of the few who knew all of us owners before there was a NoCoast. We were happy when he decided to join the party at Old Blue. He's an amazing athlete, he is personable, he works hard, and is a great coach. We've often heard of how he inspires others around him. Most people see him flying through a WOD, and think he's about 25ish. He's a single dad, 46 years old, crushes workouts consistently, and of course, has great old man jokes. We are very proud of the athlete Coleigh is and has become. We are even more impressed with how he has become a reliable, smart, and effective coach. He's been with us long enough that he really feels like part of the fabric of NoCoast, and things just won't be the same without him. He is a a great encourager, picking out people's talents before they see it themselves. He cultivates a healthy push in his classes, keeping athletes safe, while letting them know just what they are capable of. (Usually more than they think.) I've also appreciated Coleigh as the tip guy. He has special little voo doo tips for movements that people struggle on, like double unders, toes to bar, and rope climbs. Just stuff I've never heard of, but works wonders for our members. And we know the gym is going to be severely lacking in that no-shirt, no-shoes, beach vibe he has. Pretty sure that's irreplacable, and it will be missed. We know this move to Seattle is going to be great for him and his family. And he'll dominate as an athlete out there, too. Don't forget this crew, Coleigh! We won't forget you! Especially on toes to bar days.
I've asked our athletes to share their favorite memories of Coleigh. Mine would have to be the first old man joke I can recall. Old man jokes are like vaguely sarcastic, but not enough, so that you can't tell if he thinks what he's saying is funny. Or if he's abdicating someone younger and dumber than himself. I've learned it's always a joke. But when I first met him I didn't know. I was wearing shorts and tall socks because I was teaching him rope climbs. (Funny to think of me teaching Coleigh rope climbs now! He's like a magician on those things!) And he said with a straight face, "Oh I get it, those socks aren't just a fashion statement." I was like, "Uhhh, no I don't think this is really the most representative of my personality per se, just protecting my shins from burning when I come down...ohhhh, you're joking. Okay, haha." I'll miss these exchanges. :) Also, he hugs our Asher like he's his own. I'll miss that too.
"I would often be the only one in his class and the music he was playing was like being up in the club for the slow jams. Awkward!
Toes to Bar:
I could not do it and I remember telling him, "I can't" He said, well you can do whatever else was the alternative. I said I didn't want to. He turned to his ipad or phone as if giving up and just kept saying you don't have to do it, which pushed me to want to do it even more. Imagining Coleigh's face at the top of that bar got me through those toes to bar. He really is a motivating force
Lifeguard warmups or something like that: For one class he had us in a laying position would yell go and we would race to the other side of the gym. He would often say, 'Ummm, not fast enough.' I guess it was just Coleigh reliving his lifeguard glory days.
I am gonna miss that guy."-Christine T.
"Easy...after hanging like a piece of meat from the rig while doing T2B during the WOD, Coleigh gave me some pointers and in less than 10 minutes, I was able to link 7 with good form (while tired). T2B will never be the same for me."-Christian
"After watching my toes-to-bar for a minute, I believe Coleigh exact words were, 'What is that?!' Within a few minutes, he had me kipping…to this day, toes-to-bar is the only movement I can kip! He is always encouraging this 'sandbagger' to try new, fun movements like college boy rolls. I’m definitely going to miss his fun, easy going attitude. Good luck in WA, Coleigh!"-Becca
"My most impactful moment came before he was a coach. As a newbie I didn't have a ton to offer, yet he didn't shy away from partnering up with me for a Saturday WOD. And he found time and give me some great tips mid-wod to improve my form swinging a kettle bell. His kindness to people from all walks of life, and seeing everyone on an even playing field, surely is part of what makes him a great coach." -C.P.
"I felt compelled to write, b/c I remember watching Coleigh in awe when I very first started CrossFit at MBS and thought he was probably too accomplished to be bothered with the newbies. When I finally got to know him when we both transferred to NoCoast I couldn't have been more wrong. He was (and is) one of the nicest, kindest, most encouraging people I've met in CrossFit and sports in general. He will be missed." -Dylan F