Handstand Push Up Skills Clinic
This month we will be working on and perfecting the Handstand Push up. The HSPU is a high skilled, high strength movement that requires a lot of body awareness, core strength, and shoulder mobility, stability, and strength. As with all of our gymnastic skills, it is important to perfect the strict version the HSPU; strict strength will transfer more effectively to the kipping version, versus the other way around. Remember to move slow and in control.
Handstand Program Levels
Level 1:Pre-Req - na Goal - 10 Perfect Push ups + Handstand, 30 sec
Level 2: Pre-Req - 10 Perfect Push ups & Handstand, 30 sec Goal - 1 Strict HSPU
Level 3: Pre-Req - 1 Strict HSPU Goal - 10 Strict HSPU + 2 Freestanding HSPU
The Perfect Handstand Push up
Hollow Body - on the floor / upside down
Shoulder mobility - overhead wall test (top of handstand)
Hands / Head - your hands and head should form a triangle (bottom of handstand)
Shoulder/elbow - elbows point backwards, just outside the shoulders (bottom of handstand)
Legs - straight and together
Press - the press from the bottom to the top is the same as a shoulder press; press straight, your head will move forward to finish between your arms and shoulders
Why you should have a Strict HSPU before Kipping HSPUs.
Kipping HSPUs put a lot of pressure and force through your cervical spine.
We must learn to control yourselves on the way down and have the strength and stability in our neck and traps to support yourself upside down
A lot of force is distributed through your neck and cervical spine as you drive your legs up in the kipping HSPU. Energy is being transferred from your hips/legs and through your core, neck, and head
Having the strength and stability to do multiple strict HSPUs, will give you the support needed to hold good positions through the kipping HSPU
Even if you have the strength to rep out strict HSPUs, fatigue will eventually catch up to you while kipping and can easily lead to an injury; PLEASE KNOW YOUR LIMITS AND LIVE TO TRAIN ANOTHER DAY!
We are not saying that you can not do kipping HSPUs, but please be careful and work hard to improve your strength, mobility, and stability in the strict HSPU
Traps and Shoulders
Shoulder Flexion-Overhead
Pecs-Snow Angels on Foam Roller
Neck Stability-Flexion
Neck Stability-Extension
Neck Stability-Lateral
Overhead Stability with Ball
Hollow Rock/Hold
Plank with Pelvic Tuck
Headstand Holds
Kick to Headstand/Handstand
Handstand Negatives
Handstand Facing Wall
Push Ups
Dumbbell Bench Press
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Handstand Holds
Strict HSPU - feet on a box/bar
Strict Banded HSPU