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February Athlete of the Month: Beth K

Let's talk about the real CrossFit heroes. Yeah, we can appreciate those CrossFit Games athletes in all their chiseled, sweaty, glory every summer. But the vast majority of CrossFitters are everyday people, who come into the box one hour a day. And these are the folks who may one day change the face of disease in our country-from one in four dying of heart disease to thriving, healthy, and disease free moms, dads, uncles, aunts, sisters, brothers, grandmas and grandpas. The people who have jobs they commute to, full email inboxes, lunch meetings, and deadlines. The people that have kids, and dogs, and long to-do lists that have zero things to do with CrossFit. The people who make an effort to come, in spite of a life that doesn't revolve around the gym. And within that group of folks, there's a smaller group that crush the whiteboard time and time again. Enter single mom of two, owns-her-own-business, Beth K, the everyday BAMF. She muscle ups, she lifts heavy, she toes to bars, she jumps, she runs, she just doesn't take average-mom for an answer. She's the elite of the elite AND she doesn't get free protein and knee sleeves for it.

How long have you been CrossFitting? Just over 5 years Athletic/Sports history/highlights: Ballet dancer from the age of 8. Turned into a gym rat with my roommate when I was 22.

How did you get into CrossFit? I had been teaching group fitness for about 4 years and was really losing my love of fitness for ME. One of my former group participants asked me to come to WOD with him and the rest is history. It was "Snatch Technique Day" for my first WOD and I still decided to do CrossFit! What is your favorite WOD/CrossFit movement? Heavy deadlifts, heavy KB swings, high box jumps. What is your least favorite WOD/CrossFit movement? Elizabeth is the only WOD that has made me cry. What is your most memorable CrossFit moment? When I got my first muscle up there was a pair of pink underwear stuck in my pant leg from the dryer and it fell out How does nutrition play a role in your fitness and recovery? I started eating a "Paleo-ish template" shortly after starting CrossFit and I still do. No grain. Low sugar. A couple times a year I do a 30 day strict month. It fuels my life and workouts and actually caused my family to eat better as well (although they do not eat Paleo)

How has CrossFit improved your overall wellness? I'm in the best shape of my life and it's the one place I can just let my mind go.

How has CrossFit affected #momlife? My kids are really lucky to have a healthy, strong Mom (whether they know it or not). My fitness schedule has also allowed me to be a good parent and be there for my kids while still making a living. I can't imagine sitting in a cubicle ever again.

Advice to new people:

Show up. Do the work. Talk to people. Go check out a local competition.

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