Programming For Toes to Bar

We hosted another Skills Clinic a couple weeks ago, explaining skills, drills, and mobility work to get toes to bar. Our method for this clinic is just like the preceding ones, where strengthening good movement is priority. Getting your toes to the bar can be achieved without great positioning or efficiency, but we want to encourage our athletes to strive for solid movement. In the long run, this may require more time and patience to achieve, but it will provide better movement that will lessen chances for injury, increase stamina in the movement, and allow you to rep out more toes to bar without fatiguing as quickly.
You can get the programming here.
Level 1
Pre Req: N/A
Hollow hold
10 kips
45 seconds l sit hang
Thoracic spine opening
Loose lats
Pec opening
Hip Flexors
10 kips
Static hollow hold and superman
Overall core strengthening
Being able to stop and go in the kipping motion
L1 Toes to Bar Program
M: Thoracic extension with foam roller and KB (Accumulate 2 minutes)
SK: Static holds on ground-alternating hollow and bow with a PVC, 10 reps each, hold for 3 seconds

ST - 50 hollow rocks (No BS, break them up, or scale movement if needed)
Day 2
M: Unglue lats on foam roller (2 minutes)
SK: Hang from rig static holds with lats down in hollow and bow position, alternating, 10 reps, 3 second hold
ST: KB toe touch on ground, 10 second negative to ground, 3x10 reps, feet don’t touch.
Day 3
M: Hamstring stretch with barbell, 15 pound bar
SK: Hip pops, 3x10 reps
ST: 20 shoot throughs with parallettes
Day 4
M: Hip flexor couch stretch, accumulate 2 minutes each side
SK: Hang from rig static holds with lats down in hollow and bow position, alternating, 10 reps, 3 second hold
ST: V-ups/knees to chest on ground, 3x15 reps
Day 5
M - Thoracic opening with foam roller and KB, then field goal on foam roller 2 minutes
SK: Hop pops: 3x10 reps
ST: L-sit, on rig, accumulate 30 seconds
Day 6
M: Hamstring stretch with band, accumulate 2 minutes
SK: Kip with hips to ceiling-3x10 reps
ST: KB toe touch on ground, 10 second negative to ground, 3x10 reps, feet don’t touch
Day 7
M: Thoracic extension with foam roller and KB (Accumulate 2 minutes)
SK: Practice full kip, 3x10 reps
ST: 20 shoot throughs, then accumulate 1 minute L-sit
Day 8
M: Hip flexor couch stretch, 2 minutes each leg
SK: Practice full kip, 3x10 reps
ST: V-ups/knees to chest on ground, 3x15 reps
Level 2
Pre-Req - Everything from Level 1
5 strict toes to bar
Thoracic spine opening
Loose lats
Pec opening
Hip flexors
20 kips, being able to freeze every 5 reps
Eccentric loading control
Static movement control
Hip flexor strength
L2 Toes to Bar Program
Day 1
M: Thoracic extension with foam roller and KB (Accumulate 2 minutes)
SK: 15 kips, stop and hold every 3 for 5 seconds
ST: L-sit hold on rig, accumulate 1 minute
Day 2
M: Hamstring on box 2 minutes each leg
SK: 3x10 kips
ST: 3x10 negatives on ground with KB
Day 3
M: Pecs (lax ball on rig), 2 min each side
SK: 5x10 kips
ST: Seated L-sit lifts, 3x10 reps
Day 4
M - Thoracic extension with foam roller and KB (Accumulate 2 minutes)
SK: 15 kips, hold for 5 seconds every 5 reps
ST: 3x10 reps static (no kip) strict leg raise to l sit on rig
Day 5
M: Seated hamstring stretch with band, 4 minutes
SK: Max effort hang on rig (make sure scaps are pulled down!)
ST: Parallette L-sit, accumulate 1 minute
Day 6
M: Hip flexor stretch couch stretch, 2 min each side
SK: 3x15 kips
ST: Leg raise negatives on rig, 3x10
Day 7
M: Pec opener on ground with foam roller in field goal, 2 minutes
SK: 3x20 kips
Day 8
M: Hamstring stretch with 15 pound bar
SK: 20 kips being able to freeze for 5 seconds every 5 reps
ST: Seated l sit lifts on ground, 3x15
Level 3
Pre-Req: Everything from Level 2
15 linked kipping toes to bar
Thoracic spine opening
Loose lats
Pec opening
Hip flexors
20 kips with straight legs, high as you can!
Strength through transition
More eccentric loading control
L3 Toes to Bar Program
Day 1
M - Thoracic extension with foam roller and KB (Accumulate 2 minutes)
SK: 20 kips straight leg, as high as you can
ST: 3x10 leg raise negatives on rig
Day 2
M: Leg raise with hip twists, 2x10 on each side
SK: 3x10 kips straight leg, as high as you can
ST: Seated L-sit lifts, 3x10 reps, then accumulate 1 min L sit on rig
Day 3
M: Pecs (lax ball on rig), 2 min each side
SK: 4x10 straight leg kips, as high as you can
ST: 3x5 L sit negatives on rig
Day 4
M: Hamstring stretch on boxes, 2 min each leg
SK: 4x15 straight leg kips, as high as you can
ST: L-sit on paralletes, accumulate 1 minute
Day 5
M: Thoracic extension with foam roller and KB (Accumulate 2 minutes)
SK: 4x15 straight leg kips, as high as you can
ST: 3x10 negatives with KB
Day 6
M - Unglue lats (2 minutes), then field goal pec opener.
SK: 4x15 straight leg kips, as high as you can
ST: 3x10 V ups, then 3x5 leg raise negatives on rig
Day 7
M: Hip flexor couch stretch, 2 min each side
SK - 4x15 straight leg kips, as high as you can
ST: 3x10 strict toes to rings
Day 8
M: Hamstring stretch with barbell
SK: 4x15 straight leg kips, as high as you can
ST: Max effort strict toes through rings 3x (work to failure)