2018 Program Plan
Congratulations to everyone who competed in the CrossFit Open! Whether you competed online with the rest of the world, did our In House competition, or just did the workouts for fun, the 5 weeks were grueling but amazing, and we saw a lot of awesome efforts and PRs!
Now that the CF Open is over, it's time to shift gears and refocus our programming to include more variance in our daily WOD. Generally, over the past few years, we break our year up into quarters from April to April - the end of the Open through the next year’s Open. The quarter leading up to the CF Open is focused on our engine and the core movements that we think we’ll see in the Open events. During the other 3/4 of the year, we like to have a more balanced approach to our fitness. Some examples of this would be working on strict strength, getting outside more, and broadening our scope of movement to include more push ups, rope climbs, tire flips, etc!
When we write programming, the goal is not to write a program and pray that it produces a result. In fact the opposite stands true; we have a long term goal and we right programming to better feed that image. The goal we have for everyone is to have physical freedom in whatever activities we may want to partake in for the rest of our lives; maintaining functionality and optimal health as we age is a dream we are making a reality. Our definition of fitness does not only include endurance based workouts but also proper movement mechanics, coordination, balance, as well as other skills and attributes that CrossFit workouts build. In our next few months you can expect to see workouts that not only challenge our lungs but also challenge our brain. The open is a fantastic test of all around conditioning, but can be limited to what is seen as a “classic CrossFit workout”, and what athletes can properly video tape and submit with certainty of no alterations.
We don’t want this limitation. We want to practice jumping, running. Climbing, and more in all ways shapes and forms. The next few months expect the unexpected and variance in our workouts. Do not confuse variance with randomness, as these workouts individually still feed our long term goal of increasing our strength, flexibility, stamina, endurance, accuracy, balance, coordination, agility, speed and power. While one workout may focus in one area, another may pick a different category to highlight. Moral of the story being that just because your lungs aren’t on fire, doesn’t mean you aren’t working on the long term goal of health through an extended lifetime.
Black Track Program
Our Black Track program follows the same quarterly cycle and this year we will be starting the first quarter using the Westside Strength program as our primary barbell program. We will also continue to include a gymnastics program, as well as some Oly work. During our second quarter, we’re going to experiment with a non barbell strength program. Our third quarter will bring back our 5-3-1 program, and leading up to next years Open we will have an emphasis on Oly.
As always, our Black Track program can include all or one of the strength programs. Depending on your goals, we can set you up with the proper training program to help you reach them.
If you are interested in our Black Track program, please email me (dan@nocoastcrossfit.com) and we’ll get you started on our program application.