September Athlete of the Month: Alyssa Hoffman

Congratulations, Alyssa! You are our September Athlete of the Month!!!
Alyssa has been a part of NoCoast for a little over a year now and she has proven to be one of our strongest athletes in the gym as well as one of the nicest people you’ll meet. We have been so impressed with her consistency and work ethic over the past few months; her hard work has not gone unnoticed. We appreciate the time and effort Alyssa puts into the gym, but more importantly, we appreciate her support, as well as her commitment to our community. Thanks Alyssa!
Quotes from Alyssa:
“I don’t think I can find words that accurately illustrate how much CrossFit has improved my wellness as a whole. I joke with people that it is “my therapy,” but there is truth in that statement. I’ve struggled with varying levels of anxiety my whole life, and CrossFit is truly the best medicine for me. Not only do the workouts themselves help me regulate both my physical and mental wellness, the gym is the only place where I feel the anxiety dissipate. I think a lot of this can be attributed to NoCoast specifically- the workout programming, nutrition guidance and community (especially the community!) we have here is unparalleled. There's something about suffering alongside ten of your friends for an hour every day that's quite empowering. I am so thankful I found NoCoast upon moving here!”
“I *really* do not like failing. I remember when I first started CrossFit, I cried during a workout because I could not figure out how to snatch and I was overwhelmed with frustration. That moment is memorable for me because that’s also when I realized I needed to change my mindset. CrossFit is very humbling! You’re not going to be good at everything! CrossFit taught me to be okay with failing, and to use that struggle as an opportunity to learn and as motivation to work harder.. it’s all part of the process.”
29 years old, weight..between 150 and 155 depending on the day lol
Athletic/Sports history/highlights:
I grew up playing volleyball and swimming, and continued both through high school. But it wasn’t until I was volun-told by my parents to give my hometown’s new rowing team a shot that I truly found “my” sport. I rowed the last two years of high school, which afforded me the opportunity to attend college on an athletic scholarship.
How long have you been CrossFitting?
I started in June 2015. So I guess that means 5 years. Time flies when you’re having fun!
How did you get into CrossFit?
After rowing in college, I needed to find a new outlet. So I poured myself into running, and ended up doing a series of half marathons for a couple years.Though as time went on, I began to feel burnt out and fatigued of the same workout routine. I remember feeling like I wasn’t “strong,” even though I was running six days a week. I wanted to find a new way to challenge myself, so I turned to CrossFit.
What is your favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
Power Cleans and Overhead Squats
What is your least favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
What is your most memorable CrossFit moment?
I *really* do not like failing. I remember when I first started CrossFit, I cried during a workout because I could not figure out how to snatch and I was overwhelmed with frustration. That moment is memorable for me because that’s also when I realized I needed to change my mindset. CrossFit is very humbling! You’re not going to be good at everything! CrossFit taught me to be okay with failing, and to use that struggle as an opportunity to learn and as motivation to work harder.. it’s all part of the process.
How does nutrition play a role in your fitness and recovery?
It doesn’t take long after starting CrossFit to pick up on the correlation between diet and performance in the gym. Over the past couple of years, I’ve followed various nutrition plans that are popular in the CrossFit world, like Zone and macro counting to help teach me what foods, and how much of them, I needed to eat to feel energized throughout the day and strong in the gym. Now, I use what I learned through those programs and generally try to maintain a clean diet and eat mostly whole foods, with a splash of pizza here and there :)
How has CrossFit improved your overall wellness?
I don’t think I can find words that accurately illustrate how much CrossFit has improved my wellness as a whole. I joke with people that it is “my therapy,” but there is truth in that statement. I’ve struggled with varying levels of anxiety my whole life, and CrossFit is truly the best medicine for me. Not only do the workouts themselves help me regulate both my physical and mental wellness, the gym is the only place where I feel the anxiety dissipate. I think a lot of this can be attributed to NoCoast specifically- the workout programming, nutrition guidance and community (especially the community!) we have here is unparalleled. There's something about suffering alongside ten of your friends for an hour every day that's quite empowering. I am so thankful I found NoCoast upon moving here!
How has CrossFit changed your family?
My sister and I became roommates this year. For most of her life, she has had no interest in exercising. But an amazing thing happened in quarantine- she asked to join me in the home workouts that NoCoast provided. So she started working out with me, every single day! She enjoyed the workouts and felt herself making progress, even in that short period of time. She is slowly working up her confidence to come join us in the gym, but simply expressing interest in CrossFit is a huge deal for her. She says that watching me go to the gym every day and seeing how much I love it motivates her to want to give it a try...someday.
Advice to new people:
Stick with it!! It can be intimidating and overwhelming… trust me, I’ve been there. But watching yourself get stronger- mentally and physically- far outweighs those feelings... and whatever physical pain a workout brings in the moment. Do the workouts you don’t want to do, ask for help when you need it, and embrace the momentary suck.