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January Athlete of the Month: Breeze Gunderson

Congratulations Breeze, you are the NoCoast Athlete of the Month!

Breeze is one of the friendliest people we’ve had the pleasure to meet at NoCoast . . . and that’s saying a lot since we have such a wonderful community! She has such a positive attitude and hard work ethic that you can’t help but work hard and have a good time when you’re in class with her. We love everything she brings to NoCoast and we appreciate her love and support for our community. Thank you Breeze and keep up the great work! We are so grateful for you!

Quotes from Breeze:

“Crossfit is like my flywheel. While each workout certainly demands its own level of energy output, the momentum that is built up and stored upon its completion helps to foster better choices that equip me to face the challenges of everyday life with a can-do attitude.”

“As a stay at home mom, I often found myself observing from the sideline. While supporting others is a role I fully treasure, there is a healthy balance that comes from being brave, getting dirty and "daring greatly in the arena." CrossFit has spurred me to live life to the full, alongside and with my husband and three sons. The lessons I've learned at CrossFit have made my life a living testimony for my family. Affirming the reality that when you set your mind on something and refuse to quit, you can accomplish big changes by stacking up small wins. CrossFit empowers me to be a better wife, mom, friend and servant of the Lord.”

Age: 43

How long have you been CrossFitting? 

4 years.

How did you get into CrossFit? 

My friend's daughter, who was 13 at the time, invited me to a “bring a friend day” at her CrossFit gym. Her invitation came during a season of life when my inner voice of self doubt was ready to be smashed. Going against my preconceived fears about CrossFit, I showed up. During the workout, I struggled, suffered, and was saturated with sweat, but more notably, I survived and I loved how I felt. It was the toughest and yet most effective sweat sesh I had experienced and I was hooked.

What is your favorite WOD/CrossFit movement? 

I love any WOD that tests my will. There's something revitalizing about showing up to tackle a workout head on while everything on the inside is grappling with the mind's fight or flight mechanism. I also love hero and holiday workouts that bring our community together. A couple of my favorites from NoCoast 2024 were: Murph, 1775 and the Linchpin Test 13.

What is your least favorite WOD/CrossFit movement? 

I presently struggle with using my lower body to be explosive in a variety of movements. In addition to improving my form with olympic lifts, I'd also like to become more efficient at linking toes to bar.

What is your most memorable CrossFit moment? 

In 2023 I had the privilege of supporting my friend Abby while she competed at Wodapalooza. Sitting in that arena and witnessing so many incredibly talented athletes left a mark on me. From the elite to the adaptive competitors, every single person shared the common thread of grit coupled with the tenacity to persevere despite how much it hurt. To this day, my most memorable CrossFit moments are shared when I look around the gym and see everyday people daring to be extraordinary.

How does nutrition play a role in your fitness and recovery? 

Nutrition has taken on a new emphasis in my fitness journey as I learn to battle through flare-ups of Ulcerative Colitis. If you ask my family, they'll tell you there are three things that I don't like to miss: church, a meal, and working out. With that in mind, making better dietary choices (even though I really love candy corn, chips and queso, and lavender lattes) allows me to keep my fitness and activity levels high, which creates a positive snowball effect in all the other areas of my life. I have also found that remaining consistent with my water and electrolyte consumption allows me to workout 6 days a week with little to no soreness or downtime.

How has CrossFit improved your overall wellness? 

CrossFit is like my flywheel. While each workout certainly demands its own level of energy output, the momentum that is built up and stored upon its completion helps to foster better choices that equip me to face the challenges of everyday life with a can-do attitude.

How has CrossFit changed your family? 

As a stay at home mom, I often found myself observing from the sideline. While supporting others is a role I fully treasure, there is a healthy balance that comes from being brave, getting dirty and "daring greatly in the arena." CrossFit has spurred me to live life to the full, alongside and with my husband and three sons. The lessons I've learned at CrossFit have made my life a living testimony for my family. Affirming the reality that when you set your mind on something and refuse to quit, you can accomplish big changes by stacking up small wins. CrossFit empowers me to be a better wife, mom, friend and servant of the Lord.

Advice to new people: 

Doubt, fear, and perceived limitations will threaten your vitality if you let them. Show up and say YES. If you have a physical limitation, be patient and kind to yourself. Celebrate what you can do. Modify the movements and continue to show up. If the voice of doubt is creeping in and tempting you to question whether you belong or whether you're able, show up and say yes: YES I can and YES I will. Then, witness as those powerful beliefs become YES I AM.

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