May Athlete of the Month: Laura Hyland

Congratulations Laura, you are the NoCoast Athlete of the Month!
Laura has been a part of our NoCoast community for over 3 years and has found her home within our 5:30am class. Laura’s consistency and hard work has not only paid off in her physical strength gains, but she’s been able to find a healthy way to manage her mental health and the stresses of her job through the challenges she faces at the gym each morning.
We are so grateful for Laura and her commitment to our early morning crew and our community! Thank you and we look forward to the next 3 years of progress!
Quotes from Laura:
“I have a pretty stressful job and doing CrossFit first thing in the morning with the rest of the 5:30am crew always gives me perspective and a good mental headspace to tackle my day. I always tell myself that nothing is mentally tougher than whatever I completed that morning at the gym and it's usually true.”
“I've learned so much more about nutrition through the programs NoCoast offers. I never attempted to give up sugar or follow a Whole30 plan prior to joining this gym but now I can say I've done both. It's helped me incorporate more healthy meals that I found out I loved through those programs. I also drink much less beer than I used to because I notice how it impacts my performance in the gym as well as my recovery.”
Age: 37
Athletic/Sports history/highlights:
I was a swimmer in high school and did some sprint and Olympic distance triathlons in college/grad school.
How long have you been CrossFitting?
Since 2019
How did you get into CrossFit?
I wanted to incorporate more weightlifting into my workouts and thought CrossFit would be a great way to do that. I had no idea how much I would grow to love that aspect of CrossFit. I joined a gym in Tucson and loved the community there. When my husband and I made the move to Colorado, I knew I wanted to find another supportive community just like it and I found that in NoCoast!
What is your favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
Wall balls are my favorite! People love to hate them but they are a great total body movement and help me work on being more explosive.
What is your least favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
Pull ups, definitely working on these.
What is your most memorable CrossFit moment?
One Sunday morning Sharon Wetherall convinced me and some other awesome 5:30am folks to come to the gym for the PRVN masters challenge we signed up to complete. We tackled a 1RM deadlift and they convinced me to try it in my socks. Through lots of support and cheering, I made massive lifting gains and it was just a really fun time. :)
How does nutrition play a role in your fitness and recovery?
I've learned so much more about nutrition through the programs NoCoast offers. I never attempted to give up sugar or follow a Whole30 plan prior to joining this gym but now I can say I've done both. It's helped me incorporate more healthy meals that I found out I loved through those programs. I also drink much less beer than I used to because I notice how it impacts my performance in the gym as well as my recovery.
How has CrossFit improved your overall wellness?
I have a pretty stressful job and doing CrossFit first thing in the morning with the rest of the 5:30am crew always gives me perspective and a good mental headspace to tackle my day. I always tell myself that nothing is mentally tougher than whatever I completed that morning at the gym and it's usually true.
How has CrossFit changed your family?
I am the opener of jars in my family now haha! Really though, I think doing CrossFit gives me more energy to be a better wife, sister, and daughter. I am more positive and present and am very grateful for that.
Advice to new people:
Consistency is key. Show up and try your hardest and you WILL see gains in one area or another. I try to celebrate that, however small. Though I am regularly the slowest of the 5:30am crew (they are all so awesome!), I am amazed how far I've come and how much my body can do outside of the gym as a result.