April Athlete of the Month: Kandi
The NoCoast Weightlifting Club is small but powerful - just like Kandi, who is our April Athlete of the Month. Kandi started lifting with our Oly Club last summer and has been a force on the platform and in our CrossFit classes ever since. Within the past 12 months Kandi has racked up victories at the Rocky Mountain State Games, Roots summer and fall meets, Front Range fall meet, as well as a 2nd place at Master’s Nationals in in Savannah, GA. This year Kandi has her sights set high as she is training to get back to the American Open this December. In the short time she has been with us, Kandi has has become a leader in our community who is not afraid of hard work and loves to encourage and chat up her fellow CrossFitters.
Age: 39
Weight: 56 kg
How long have you been CrossFitting?
Six years.
How long have you been Weightlifting?
Six years.
Which do you prefer?
I really love them both, each for different reasons but my heart belongs to Weightlifting.
Athletic/Sports history/highlights:
Growing up I played softball, volleyball and even tennis (I gave that up once the sport required wearing a skirt!) I also participated in Figure competitions in my early thirties which was fun but required way too many bicep curls and calf raises…oh and a spray tan!
How did you get into CrossFit? I have always been into fitness but found myself bored and in need of something new. After watching the CF games on ESPN I signed up for a class and was hooked.
What is your favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
What is your least favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
Running, it is so bad for my gains.
Snatch or Clean & Jerk?
Clean & Jerk is my jam but the Snatch makes you a better athlete.
What is your most memorable CrossFit moment?
The best part of this sport is that it is always evolving and there will always be a movement or skill that you can improve on which makes for endless “moments.”
How does nutrition play a role in your fitness and recovery?
Nutrition is essential to both. I am, and probably will always be, a macro counter but I also love me some junk food! The key is to not make anything “off limits” and timing. As long as it fits into your plan, go for it.
How has CrossFit improved your overall wellness?
I think wellness is a choice and a way of life with no end point. For me, CF plays an essential role in helping me to achieve just that.
How has CrossFit changed your home life?
I can rearrange my own furniture so, that’s a bonus. No really, I lead a very active lifestyle outside of the gym and CF allows me to do just that and stay healthy.
Advice to new people:
Be coach-able, excited and ready to make a million new friends!