Proof You Can

What brought you into CrossFit?
I originally joined NoCoast because I needed to do something to get in better shape, and to be honest my wife “suggested” it. I also liked the idea of doing an activity with my wife and sharing a goal together.
Give us a little bit of your fitness background, and where you were physically before coming to CrossFit.
I arrived at NoCoast in November last year as a guy who, with exception of occasional weekend hike and on short run on tread mill, did little working out or exercise activity. Certainly nothing organized or in a class setting. I was not in good shape when I walked through the NoCoast doors for the first time.
What were your first impressions of joining a CrossFit gym? What things have rung true and what things are not?
Prior to joining NoCoast, I had heard the typical remarks about CrossFit, it's a cult or religion and you need to be all in “drinking the Kool Aid” or not at all. Though my wife may not agree, I’m an optimistic and overall positive person and these things really weren’t in my mind me when I first visited NoCoast. I had to see for myself.
My first impression of NoCoast was positive one. I was impressed there was a month long LiftOne program that taught the new members the movements and workouts. Providing a good foundation to build on. During this class the coaches were patient and seemed to really care that you are learning at a level that’s appropriate for the individual.
What has most impressed me is the attention and focus that is provided to all the students in each class after the introductory LiftOne. No matter what the level of the individual, the coaches are watching and providing tips and encouragement. The members in the class are supportive and cheering each other on.
Now that I’ve been going for four months I certainly don’t feel I'm in a cult and I don’t remember drinking any Kool Aid. However, I do feel I'm part of a community and team. There’s a positive feeling in the NoCoast gym. I’ve made friends and feel supported. For me NoCoast and the CrossFit program is a perfect setting for getting fit, stronger and healthier.
We know CrossFit had an impact on some lab work you recently did. How has CrossFit helped with this? How has diet helped with this?
Prior to joining NoCoast in early November last year I was in poor health. I was on blood pressure medicines, had high cholesterol, and pre-diabetic. I was heading in the wrong direction. After nearly three months of doing CrossFit, 3 to 4 days a week and participating in the 30 Day Nutrition Challenge, I had a physical exam and blood work and the results shocked me. Even my doctor was surprised and impressed.
Here are the lab results:
Prior to staring CrossFit, my Blood Pressure was hovering in mid 130s over high 80s. This while being on blood pressure medicine, 10 mg of Lisinopril and 12.5 mg hydrochlorothiazide. In mid-January, little over two months after joining NoCoast, and half way through the 30 Day Nutrition Challenge, my blood pressure was down to low 120s/70s. I’ve since reduced my BP meds in half and soon will be completely off.
What impact does what we do at NoCoast have on your overall wellness? How has it changed how you view your future?
When I joined NoCoast I expected I would get in better shape, but I never imagined the extent of how much healthier and stronger I would get. The workouts and the meal challenge have also helped me get connected with my body. I now can see how food and exercise, or lack of it, makes me feel and the affects me. And I look forward to going to the class and the satisfying feeling afterwards of accomplishment and energy that comes from the work out. I enjoy the community NoCoast provides.

Veronica stands out because her attitude has preceded her consistency, coachability, and success! She is committed to the process CrossFit is, and has experienced major transformation as a result. Read on to learn more!
Hometown: Corpus Christi, Texas
Age/Weight: I am 40 years old, just celebrated in September, and I weigh 135.
How long have you been CrossFitting? 8 months
Athletic/Sports history/highlights:
I am a Texas rancher girl, with many memories of hunting, fishing, skipping many rocks, and walking the land to find the best arrow heads with my dad. I was fairly athletic growing up; during my pre-teen and teen years I played Tennis, ran Cross-Country, played Basketball in Junior High, threw a Frisbee like a champ (and still do!), and was an in-line skater with a couple of comps under my belt. I began dancing when I was 4, was part of Corpus Christi Ballet as an apprentice dancer and then joined the prestigious Tigerette Dance/Drill Team in high school, where I held the title of Captain and Major. I attended the University of North Texas where I completed a B.A. in Dance. Some great memories occurred here, like being part of the American College Dance Festival, Southwest region, dancing solos and in groups, but ultimately, we were chosen for the National Festival which occurred at the Kennedy Center in D.C. I studied in New York with the prestigious Alvin Ailey School and Dance Company. After college, I danced professionally with local choreographers in Chicago and Austin, particularly the Ballet East Dance Company, YellowTape Construction Company, and a few others. I taught ballroom dance in Chicago and continue to Salsa dance these days.
How did you get into CrossFit?
I was introduced to CrossFit by my partner-in-crime, Rolly Keenan. He and I come from athletic backgrounds, so it became part of many conversations and led to my search for a local box. The first on the list was NoCoast. So, one March afternoon, we headed in, met Sam, and the rest is history. Rolly says that he knew I would love CrossFit. And my reply is that he was absolutely correct and I can’t thank him enough!
Do you have a favorite WOD or CrossFit movement?
My favorite CrossFit movement would probably be front squats. Oly lifts are becoming my favorite as the weeks roll on, that’s for sure.
What about your least favorite WOD or CrossFit movement?
My least favorite are box jumps; it’s a big mental challenge for me and there have been moments where I have cried during WODs as I stare at the 20” height.
What is your most memorable CrossFit moment?
I have two. My one rep max of my front squat at 140 on the morning of my 40th birthday and 200th CrossFit session. And completing my first Master’s competition this past October in 30 degrees, rain, and cold!
How has CrossFit improved your overall well being?
CrossFit has improved my overall wellness by reminding me that my body, my heart, and my mind are meant to be pushed… to move beyond limitations, especially the critical voice that has often been part of my athleticism and body image. CrossFit reminds me to encourage others about the importance of fitness for an overall state of happiness and wellness. Lastly, CrossFit reminds me that no goal is too big and that “pushing that line” is how life should always be lived.
Advice to new people?
My advice to new people is this: KEEP GOING AND DON’T STOP UNLESS YOU ARE ABOUT TO HURT YOURSELF! Modify and listen to your body, listen to your coaches, listen to your inner voice, and know that you are doing something that goes beyond what you can see. And lastly, smile during those tough moments during a WOD, it can be game changer!

Scott has been a great addition to NoCoast. His gymnastics skills challenge all of us to be better at pull ups, muscle ups, push ups, and, of course, the splits. Plus, he brought his son, Forrest, to the gym. We are excited to see this family reach their full potential as athletes! Read on to learn more about him!
Where is your hometown? Born in Wichita Falls, Texas, but consider Louisville my hometown since I've lived here a lot longer than any other place (almost 20 years).
Age/Weight? 56 years old and150 pounds
How long have you been CrossFitting? 8 months
Athletic/Sports history/highlights:
I walked into a gymnastics gym at age 18 and was hooked. I ended up competing on a college club team and got 5th place all-around when I was 26. I have been an avid rock climber for the last 30 years. Climbing has taken me all over the western US many times over. The most recognized climb I have done is probably the east face of Long's Peak, also known as The Diamond.
How did you get into CrossFit?
I drove by the NoCoast sign for several months before coming to a free Saturday class. I was hooked instantly. I haven't worked out this hard since I was a gymnast. Every WOD feels so challenging and rewarding to me.
What is your favorite WOD and/or CrossFit movement?
Anything that involves pulling fits my body well.
What is your least favorite WOD and/or CrossFit movement?
Overhead squats and wall ball are both really challenging for me due to ankle mobility problems.
What is your most memorable CrossFit moment?
I have to say that my most memorable moments in xfit have been when someone really strong has commented on my strengths. The encouragement I regularly get from so many strong athletes is part of what keeps me coming back.
How has CrossFit improved your overall wellness?
Seeing my leg strength and cardio endurance improve over the months has been like a fountain of youth for me. And working out with my son has really enriched my relationship with him. We always leave there saying how we can't wait for the next one.
Any advice for new people?
Crossfit can be intimidating. It's common to think that today's WOD looks impossible, and then you do it and you feel that all of the difficult things in life are possible.

Hometown: Broomfield, CO now… I grew up in Centennial, CO
Age/Weight: 38 years old, 122 pounds
How long have you been CrossFitting? 17 months
Describe your athletic and/or fitness background.
I didn’t grow up in an athletics-focused family. My parents aren’t competitive, and preferred music and theater over sports, so my childhood exposure to sport was sparse and recreational. I took some gymnastics classes during grade school, and did cartwheels on the soccer and softball fields instead of paying attention to learning about the games! As a teenager, I realized I loved to dance, and learned some ballet and trained for a few years as a rhythmic gymnast. I also realized that the high school swim team didn’t cut anyone, and while I didn’t have any great sprinting speed, I had good stroke form, so I was a swimmer my junior and senior year. From college on, I just exercised on my own at a gym or with videos, everything from kickboxing to P90X and Insanity.
How did you get into CrossFit?
My family was strolling the streets of a Friday night Louisville Street Faire when Leah was great with child… my kids wanted to do the burpee challenge to try to win a NoCoast t-shirt, and the rest is history. My husband, Chris and I signed up for LiftOne to try it out. Mostly, I agreed to go to support him… I thought it would be a great environment for him to get in shape. I planned to get through the intro and never come back! I’d never touched an oly style weight bar before, and after the whippings from attempting double unders, and the exhaustion from the intensity of the WODs, I didn’t think I’d ever really have the strength or stamina to continue or improve! Well, I just kept coming, and ended up coming a lot more than Chris.
What is your favorite workout/CrossFit movement?
Any WOD with integrated rest!/Kettlebell swings
What is your least favorite workout/CrossFit movement?
Anything with longer distance running/wall balls
What is your most memorable CrossFit moment?
It’s a tie… my first successful rope climb, and my first successful kipping pull up. Joy and jubilation!
How has CrossFit improved your overall health and wellness?
CrossFit has changed my whole attitude about fitness. I used to just exercise so I wouldn’t get lazy and soft. Now I have tangible goals and benchmarks to improve. It hasn’t been without pain or injury… but instead of quitting, or using pain and injury as an excuse to take a break, I’m now motivated to rehabilitate and modify to be in MY best shape.
What is your advice to new people?
If you are like me, you may not think you’re an athlete, but you can improve your own technique, your own skills, and your own PRs. Even if you’re injured, you can scale and modify a WOD to maintain or improve your own overall health and fitness. THIS CrossFit community is supportive of all ages and abilities… you don’t have to be in competition condition to succeed! We have THE best coaches. Dan, Leah and Sam are amazing humans. We’re lucky to have access to an equally amazing Physical Therapist. Mary is such an asset for our mobility awareness and intervention. Just keep coming!

Ryan McGreary is a CrossFiter who joined NoCoast after moving to the area. We've been very impressed by his consistency, commitment to progress, and, most importantly, his challenge crushing abilities. In a short few months, Ryan has crushed the Airdyne challenge, Performance Challenge, and has shown up to two Friday Night Fights to throwdown. So, we figured we need to know more about what makes this guy tick.
Hometown: I grew up in Chester Springs, Pennsylvania, but I lived in Northern Virginia for the last 14 years before moving to Louisville several months ago.
Age/Weight/Height: 36 / 202lb / 6'4"
How long have you been CrossFitting: 15 months
Athletic/Sports history/highlights:
Cut from the middle school basketball team as the 2nd tallest 7th grader. Embarrassing.
Tried track and field soon after. Humiliating.
Mandatory middle school swim class revealed I had a knack for chlorinated sports. Joined the local swim team that summer.
Fastest 200y freestyle time in the country in 14&under age group. That PA State record still stands 22 years later. NCAA Division I Swimming at University of Virginia. Team Co-Captain.
(insert bike accident and elbow dislocation that set back my collegiate athletic career.)
(insert the lazy years post graduation where I lost my swimmer physique) (insert repeated elbow dislocations...don’t ask)
Later, occasionally competed in running races, open water swims, and triathlons as a means of getting back in shape.
How did you got into CrossFit?
Triathlons helped my fitness in the summers, but I always fell off the horse every winter. A friend convinced me to try a CrossFit class once during the middle of a triathlon season; that workout crushed me. I never went back. It took another ~18 months before I signed up for a 1-month on-ramp program at a box close to my house in Virginia. The rest is history. I haven’t missed a week since, well, except for the “death flu incident of January 2014.”
Favorite WOD/CrossFit movement:
“Ghost”: I’m not sure why, because burpees aren’t my friend, but I like workouts with rowing and double unders. Also, Fight Gone Bad style workouts match how I like to track improvement over time.
Least favorite WOD/CrossFit movement:
I have two. One super short, and one that took me forever. 1 min Airdyne for calories: I’ve never felt so much pain after any workout like that before. Open 14.5: That was the first workout where I truly wanted to give up and quit. I even asked my judge to keep an eye on me, because I started to get tunnel vision.
Most memorable CrossFit moment:
Struggling through the Over Head Squats in Open 14.2. Getting repeated no-reps on the T2B in Open 14.4.
How does nutrition play a role in your fitness and recovery?
Unfortunately, “you are what you eat” becomes truer with age. I certainly have my vices, and I can binge eat like no other, but I have a better understanding about how that will make me feel tomorrow. I feel my absolute best when I’m on a healthy nutrition cycle, but it’s still hard to stay on it.
How has the transition to Black Track been?
Heavier. :-) It’s only been two weeks so far, but I’m happy with the transition. I’ll be scaling MUs and HSPUs for a while still, and I’m okay with finishing last. It’s given me some new goals to shoot for.
How has CrossFit improved your overall wellness:
The biggest benefit is keeping me on a more even keel mentally. I impose a lot of work stress on myself, and the time at the gym is a complete separation from that. Back when I used to swim, bike, and run, my mind would wander and overthink the stresses of life. CrossFit helps keep me focused away from all that nonsense – mainly because there isn’t much room for wandering.
Physically, after letting myself get soft for several years, it’s fun to recognize the benefits that come with improved core strength and physical awareness. From slipping on ice and catching yourself in a one-legged balancing act to handling the impact when the kids perform the unexpected jump-off-the-couch-gimme-a-piggy-back-ride maneuver.
Advice to new people:
1. If you’re really new, that hip flexor pain that feels like you seriously damaged something...don’t worry. It goes away in about a month.
2. Don’t worry about too much gear. A lacrosse ball, some athletic tape, and a $7 speed rope can go a long way.
3. Struggling with OHS mobility? Try 10-20 over head air squats with just a PVC every day before warmup.
4. No one is bothered if you finish last or can’t lift that weight. Just show up and try to improve next time.

Alyson has been at NoCoast for about a year, and since joining has been consistent, motivated, and present. She has been a great motivator through the 2015 Open, whether its because of her performance or because she is so encouraging to her fellow am'ers. Read on to learn more!
Where is your hometown?
I grew up in the Chicago area, and that will always be HOME. I lived in Los Angeles for a few years before my husband Kris and I moved to Denver. We quickly fell in love with Colorado and this is our real home now. Honestly, we can’t see ourselves living anywhere else. We live in Wheat Ridge, but I work here, in Louisville.
What’s your athletic/sports history?
Zero. In grade school, I was the stereotypical kid picked last for kickball. As an adult, other than a few sporadic attempts at creating a workout routine for myself, I did some running in my late teens and again after I turned 30.
How did you get into CrossFit?
I’d been intrigued with CrossFit for a few years, but didn’t actually start until January 2014. At the end of 2013, I started a new job in Louisville. My first day on the job, I drove past NoCoast and had a feeling I would end up here one day! It may sound super cheesy, but I really do believe I was meant to be at this place with these people at this time in my life.
Tell us about your CrossFit Games Open experience.
Last year, the Open started right after I finished LiftOne. When we did 15.2 (AKA 14.2) the other week, I was pretty excited, as that was the only workout I specifically remembered from last year’s Open. I could clearly remember I did 14.2 at an evening class, and could remember who my partner and coach were that night. That was pretty much the exact moment I fell in love with the community aspect of CrossFit, and our NoCoast community, especially.
I joined the Open this year knowing I wasn't going to place anywhere near the top. I joined knowing I would push myself to do (or at least attempt) things I didn't think I could do. My only goal was to be able to post a score (even if it is a score of 1) for each workout. My expectations have been met, and I'm walking around with a big grin on my face (and with ripped hands).
The community at NoCoast is amazing, but there’s something about going through the Open together that really helps cement your relationship with the other athletes. I’ve definitely gotten closer to other NoCoasties through my experiences with the Open.
What is your favorite WOD or CrossFit movement?
I love to deadlift! It’s the one CrossFit movement that actually comes naturally to me. My PR of 195 lbs is the one I’m proudest of.
What is your least favorite WOD or CrossFit movement?
Definitely anything on the pull-up bar. My grip sucks and my upper body strength is not, well, my strong suit. To be honest though, I guess I’m mostly just afraid. Afraid I’m going to be terrible, afraid I’m going to fall, or afraid to somehow do something to make myself look dumb in front of everyone. Awkwardness IS my strong suit, sadly.
What is your most memorable CrossFit moment?
There are several memorable CrossFit moments from the last year. I think one that really sticks out is when I actually started practicing squats (outside of the gym, on a daily basis). Lo and behold, my squats improved! Funny how practicing stuff helps you get better…
What role does nutrition play in your fitness and recovery?
I don’t always eat Paleo, but when I do, I feel amazing. I hate calling it Paleo though. Can we please come up with a better name? I have been off and on over the last two years (mostly off), but I have to say I am pretty proud of my performance in January’s nutrition challenge. When I stick with Paleo, I sleep better, do better at CrossFit, and I’m generally in a much better mood. I’m constantly working on getting back on track, and I look forward to participating in the next Nutrition Challenge at NoCoast. In the meantime, who’s down for another food swap?
How has CrossFit improved your overall wellness?
I am one of those “can’t shut up about CrossFit” CrossFitters. CrossFit has had a huge positive impact on my wellness and day-to-day life, and I’m happy to tell anyone about it. Within even a week or two of starting CrossFit, I noticed it was easier to carry my groceries in from the car (please tell me I am not the only one that tries to get it ALL in one trip??). I find I am better able to do the things I enjoy, and it’s a good feeling to know I’m doing something healthy for myself. Also, when you start to do CrossFit, people think you’re bad-ass. That’s pretty nice too.
What is your advice for people considering CrossFit?
I’m glad you asked! Last summer, I wrote a whole article on the subject, you should check it out. Or not, whatever you want. The main point is to not be intimidated, to jump right in. A friend asked me a while ago what it was that I love about CrossFit. Here’s what I told her: I don’t have experience with other boxes, but I can tell you that the coaches at NoCoast are amazing and help push me to give my best. The other members are inclusive and encouraging. I don't have to plan my own workouts, they’re already planned out for me. The workouts are different all the time so I don't get bored. The coaches make sure I'm doing the movements or lifts correctly so I don't worry about hurting myself. If I can't do a certain move, the coaches help find an alternative so I still get a great workout.

Wade is the type of athlete that really makes us wish we had a before and after movement video. His technique, efficiency, and grit has improved exponentially. As a result, his fitness is on Beast Mode status. At 21, he is one of our youngest members. This makes us excited to be a part of training a person chock full of potential. Throw in some major drive and focus, and you've got a 21 year old who has got to be standing in the 90th percentile or above of ripped and motivated in his age group.
Hometown: Born and raised in Vail Colorado. Moved to Louisville in 2007 and have been living here every since.
Age/weight: 21 yrs old at 160 lbs
How long have you been CrossFitting? I've been CrossFitting just over a year now.
What is your athletic/sports history/ highlights:
Growing up in Vail I spent most of my life competitively skiing and playing lacrosse. I played other sports too but they didn't really stick. In 2012 I tore my ACL skiing which proved to be the end of competitive skiing and lacrosse for me.
How did you get into CrossFit?
After tearing my ACL, I was in the gym a lot rehabbing my knee. After the rehab ended the whole working out thing just kind of stuck with me. I got into weight lifting for a while and started getting a little bored with it. My stepdad, Steve Long, was working out at NoCoast and recommended that I try it. I've been hooked ever since.
What is your favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
Anything with toes to bar or cleans count me in. I also have been digging doing the Olympic lifts.
What is your least favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
Probably 15.5, I still have nightmares about that one. Oh and burpees don't get me started on burpees.
What is your most memorable CrossFit moment?
The most memorable moments for me are when I am the last one doing a WOD and it feels like I'm going to pass out/possibly die and the only thing keeping me going is getting cheered on by everyone. That's always a great feeling.
How does nutrition play a role in your fitness and recovery?
Nutrition plays a pretty big role in my fitness and recovery. I think it's important to eat good, clean food to keep up your health and performance. What you do in the kitchen is equally as important as what you do in the gym.
How was participating in the CrossFit Games Open for you?
Do you think you'll compete again before next year's Open? The open was awesome, a lot of fun! It exposed some major weeknesses of mine that I didn't really know about. Now I have the ability to go back and work on those things and improve! I hope to do some competitions this summer when I don't have to worry about school. They seem like a really good time.
How has CrossFit improved your overall wellness?
CrossFit has shown me how to keep a good balance in my life and have an overall healthy lifestyle. College can get pretty stressful and CrossFit provides a great outlet to destress, and get my mind off school.
Advice to new people:
Don't worry about how heavy you are lifting or if you have to scale a movement, hammer technique before load. When I first started I tried to lift heavy before I lifted with good technique and it was a major setback.

Nicole has been on a steady incline since coming to NoCoast. She improves readily almost constantly it seems. And while she does have a lot of natural ability, this girl's secret weapon is surely her work ethic. She puts the time in, and when she's doing that, she puts the grind in. When she wants something she goes for it, and this kind of attitude is what makes her stand out to us...in addition to her leggings which are usually neon.
Hometown: Tucson, Arizona - GO CATS!
Age/Weight: 35(boom!)/140 (real hair color: brunette)
How long have you been doing CrossFit? 1 year in July/August
Athletic/Sports history/highlights:
Club and college volleyball...I love all sports, but my jumpshot needs some work
How did you get into CrossFit?
Actually, a lot of reasons pushed me towards CrossFit. I really missed the team atmosphere from the sports I played and this particular gym has certainly fulfilled that. I also miss that competitiveness that team sports gives you. If you can't tell, there is a healthy competition in every workout, but in the end, the competition with yourself is the only real one. I will also say that going through a breakup will help you get your booty to the gym, but it is always more than what you look like, its knowing your own strength and moving past limits you thought you would never surpass.
Favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
I don't think I can give one workout all of the spotlight, but Dan works super hard on all of the programming, so I know he loves us all...All of the workouts during regionals were brutal, but I think we all came out the other side better and realizing that your body is capable of amazing things.
Least favorite WOD/CrossFit movement:
Duh, burpees make me wanna barf, even when not exerting maximum efforts.
What is your most memorable CrossFit moment?
I have a few, but one of the best ones was during the CrossFit Games Open, I really wanted to do everything rx'd, even though I didn't know if I could do a handstand push up (I did like 3 - shout out to Nicole Olin) and muscle ups (didn't do any). There was one workout that required chest to bar. I just couldn't get up there. I didn't rx the workout, but I worked with all of the coaches and other athletes at the gym, asking everyday how do they do it. I practiced kipping from the floor. I practiced pull ups with a band. I watched everyone who could do chest to bar. And one night after a 5:30 class I did it. I made Sam film it and sent it to Leah as proof. At that moment, I really started to believe that anything was possible if you just keep grinding it out.
How does nutrition play a role in your fitness and recovery?
Holy (guaca)moly. Nutrition is a factor that I have always been lucky or sliding by with. At an early age I realized I was gifted with a seriously Speedy Gonzales metabolism. I am a earnest hot dog aficionado and pizza is ambrosia. I did the Paleo challenge a few months ago and saw some major results. The first 30 days was super rough. But I actually saw more results in the following month. Eating clean, and 80% Paleo really has drastic results in performance and recovery. Its a hard road to detox and get out of bad habits, but it works, just like they say...
How was participating in the Open for you? Do you think you'll compete again before next year's Open?
I really enjoyed the Open, I was very nervous about doing it, and then I realized, whats the worst that could happen? I won't be able to lift that or whatever, but I just tried it and I was blown away at the things that I was able to do. I think everyone should do it, you're doing the workout anyways - and everyone at NoCoast is amazing, encouraging and available to help you make your goals. I'm outing myself here, but I really want to compete before the next Open. Now it's in writing, I have to do it. Definitely want to participate in Friday Night Fights (Hi Sara Hugo, I haven't forgotten) and get some other fun competitions under my belt. I'm always nervous. One of my goals is to learn how to harness that and just have fun.
How has CrossFit improved your overall wellness?
CrossFit has impacted my overall wellness in that I feel more in tune with my body and know when to rest, and or when to push harder. I feel stronger doing simple things. I think that it brings you mental wellness also, you know you can overcome things if you just put your mind to it. You just have to be willing to put the work in. That is the hardest part. Getting up at 4:30 am to go to a 5:30 am class or driving to the gym right after work to do a 5:30/6:00pm class instead of going home and just sitting there watching Kardashians. And, its worth it.
Advice to new people:
Be amazed, soak in the awesomeness. Learn from others, don't be afraid. Ask for help. Be yourself. Wear neon, paint your nails, wear crazy underwear (wear underwear, please especially with Texas running shorts). Try something new. Work on your weaknesses and they can become your strengths.

You'll see Mark bright and early, usually at the 5:30am class. Mark is consistent and has come a long way in his time at NoCoast. While he's made major gains in the gym, CrossFit has become a training tool for what he really loves to do: backcountry skiing. For Mark, he is still passionate about the sport, and CrossFit simply supports more success on the mountain. We love this. Making life more exciting, enjoyable, and inevitably longer and healthier, is the ultimate goal for our members at NoCoast. Read on!
Age/Weight: 57, 150 pounds
How long have you been CrossFitting? I started at NoCoast in October, 2013.
Athletic/Sports history/highlights:
While I ride bike a good deal, both mountain and road bike, my passion is back country skiing. In 1981 I moved to Boulder from Vermont. Shortly after moving here I met a group of guys who backcountry skied frequently and would do a couple of hut trips each year. At the time we were using skinny cross country skies with (3) pins bindings and leather boots. Very primitive gear by today's standards. As the gear improved over time we were able to ski more difficult terrain and travel more efficiently. I was a strict tele-mark skier for about 25 years but about (5) years ago I converted to alpine touring gear. With the progression of new materials the gear is very light and responsive allowing us to ski even more challenging terrain.
While I continue to ski frequently with the original group of guys I met in 1981, I spend about (40+) days per year skiing with my main ski buddy. We start each new season near the end of October in the alpine, climbing and skiing the new snow that collects in key areas. As the snow pack improves we move to other terrain based on current conditions. In the spring the snow pack starts to consolidate and we transition more towards ski mountaineering to climb and ski the steep terrain that is made safer with warmer weather. Like many die-hard skiers in the area we ski at least once a month year around. At this time we have skied 70 consecutive months.
How did you get into CrossFit?
In September 2013 NoCoast had a booth at the Louisville Street Faire. My wife started talking with Sam about CrossFit and somehow we ended up with an offer to try working out for a month free of charge. My wife continued working out for a few months but eventually decided on an alternative work out. I have continued and typically workout at NOCoast (4) days per week. While the workout is great and certainly improves my skiing and overall health, one of my favorite aspects is the people.
What is your favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
I prefer the skill work as I am able to improve my technique and subsequently I am able to improve my performance.
What is your least favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
Slam ball - that is simply primitive.....
What is your most memorable CrossFit moment?
When I started to realize that I was going to be able to keep up with the rest of the class.
How does nutrition play a role in your fitness and recovery?
While I have always paid close attention to my diet and the nutritional value of what I eat, I have become more aware of how what I eat and drink supports my fitness over the last couple of years. This is particularly true when I ski multiple long hard days. The balance of food and hydration is critical. Additionally, monitoring my diet is key to ensuring that I get quality sleep and subsequently I am able to recover.
How has CrossFit improved your overall wellness?
I think the most noticeable improvement for me is with stress management and the physical effects of stress. CrossFit helps to provide balance in my life.
Advice to new people: Go slow, be consistent, don't ever give up, you can do it.

Kylie Davis is a young, dedicated, and focused individual. She makes progress quickly, and even in the short time she's been at NoCoast, she has really developed as an athlete. At not even 20 years old, she's a part of a growing movement of young ladies who buck mainstream media's message of how a woman should be using her body. As a hockey player, lacross player, cross country athlete, and now CrossFitter, this girl is functional! We love it and the example she sets for her generation.
Age/Weight: 19/ 135 lb.
How long have you been CrossFitting?
I was introduced to Crossfit 5 years ago; however, I didn’t really get into it until last summer. Since then I have been addicted.
Athletic/Sports history/highlights:
I am an athlete and have played almost every sport out there. When I was in High School I ran cross country in the fall, I played hockey in the winter, and lacrosse in the spring. I was a tri-varsity athlete, and now in college I play ice hockey. I took a year off form lacrosse this season, but I am planning on trying out this coming year. My most valued highlights from my sports career was winning 5 state championships for hockey.
How did you get into CrossFit?
I initially got into CrossFit because my dad said I had to try it. When I started it and realized how much it was improving my sports career I was hooked.
What is your favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
My favorite movement is a tie between squat cleans and back squats.
What is your least favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
Hands down, wallballs.
What is your most memorable CrossFit moment?
My most memorable Crossfit work out would probably be getting my PR on double unders. I am absolutely terrible at them, and it has taken me a very long time to get the technique or them.
How does nutrition play a role in your fitness and recovery?
I am kind of a health nut. I love eating healthy and fueling my body would natural and unprocessed foods. I believe my health choices allow me to recover faster and perform to my absolute best. However, with that said I have the world’s largest sweet tooth, so I always listen to my body and treat myself.
How has CrossFit improved your overall wellness?
CrossFit has not only made me a better athlete, but a person as well. I am the strongest and happiest I have ever been. It pushes me mentally and physically which only makes me stronger in aspects I could have never imagined.
Advice to new people:
My Biggest advice for new people would be, don’t get frustrated with yourself. A lot of the movements in CrossFit are very technical and take a lot of practice. You can be the best athlete out there, but it takes time to get the movements down right. Just come in with and optimistic and determined mind, and before you know it you will be snatching like it is no one’s business.

We are so impressed by his accomplishment in becoming a Leadman this summer! In his last race of series, he completed a 100 mi run, all above 10,000 feet above sea level in 24:00:36. This was preceded by a trail marathon, a 50 mi mountain bike race, 50 mi trail run, 100 mi mountain bike race, 10k run, until the final 100 mi run he finished last. We have all seen him smash any running/cardio biased workout in an unearthly way, so it's not really a surprise he has spent his summer hitting the trails. We had to highlight this athlete and learn more about how he ticks.
Age/Weight: 39 pushing 40, I bounce around 170lbs. Sometimes lighter, sometimes heavier depending on the time of year and how many of my wife's cookies I eat.
How long have you been CrossFitting?
I have been doing Crossfit on and off for about 4 years, mostly off. I have not been very consistent with it like I would like to be. I seem to go through periods where I am all in for 3-4 months then I start something else that my focus turns to, usually long endurance based like training for some race. My wife and I started turning half our garage into a small gym with some basic CrossFit equipment this year with the intention of being more consistent over the long term with it.
Athletic/Sports history/highlights:
In my younger years growing up in Nebraska I did the traditional high school sports of football, track, baseball and basketball with football being the "main" sport. After moving to Colorado the beginning of my senior year of high school I quit sports all together. Around the age of 27 or 28 my uncle introduced me to running and I did my first race that year. Ever since then there is this aspect of what is the next big thing to do? It started with 5k's, then Marathons, then Triathlons, into climbing, onto Ultras, ect.... Right now my focus bounces between ultras and mountain biking with some 14er climbing and shorter races thrown in for fun.
How did you get into CrossFit?
My wife Ashley actually introduced me to it a few years ago and I have played with it on and off since then.
You just became a Leadman last weekend! What was one high and one low of your experience?
It was quite the summer that is for sure, one I will never forget. The high for me happened at mile 40 of the 100 run as I was passing through an aid station called Twin Lakes, as I turned the corner after the aid station to head up Hope Pass, my wife Ashley was standing there looking for me. Took me by total surprise! She was not supposed to be there and was supposed to be at work down at Manitou Springs. I actually got tears in my eyes as I was hugging her because I was so happy to see her and that she came up to Leadville to support me and see me finish the Leadman Series.
There were many lows though out this summer of training for sure but one that sticks out in my mind happened during the Leadville Marathon which was the first race of the Leadman series back at the end of June. At about mile 20 to 21 of the marathon I found myself on the side of the trail puking my brains out due to being dehydrated and overheating from a really hot day. It was a friendly reminder that I needed to pay more attention to my hydration and effort level if I wanted to finish this race series. After a short break in the shade I was able to jog the last 5 miles downhill to the finish line in town feeling bad the whole way. This seems to be a lesson that I have to relearn every year, sometimes more than once.
I should have the race report for the Leadville 100 run up on my blog at www.shadmika.blogspot.com by Sept 7th and all of the other race reports from Leadman are on there already.
What is your favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
Bet you can't guess what it is. I of course enjoy workouts with running, Airdyne, or anything cardio based. I will admit that I have been cherry picking workouts that are more endurance based and would benefit me in reaching the goal of finishing the Leadman series.
What is your least favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
Overhead squats by far. I have been putting off working on them while I have been getting ready for race season but think I may work on them this off season. I just don't have the shoulder strength or mobility to do them correctly or with any type of weight.
What is your most memorable CrossFit moment?
Doing Murph. I have always avoided it due to the 100 pullups and how bad I am at them. Funny thing was that the pullups were not the worse part, the pushups is what ate up the most time and destroyed me the most. I am looking forward to giving it another shot in the future.
How does nutrition play a role in your fitness and recovery?
I am not a low carb or Paleo guy that is for sure. I try to eat healthy but when I am hitting my higher hourly weeks of 15-20 plus hours of endurance training I get to the point where I eat whatever I can get my hands on just to make sure I have the calories to support the training. Not the healthiest way to eat by any means but with putting in hours like this it is not really about health as it is about supporting the goal. I find as I get older I have to watch this a little bit closer than I have in the past to make sure I don't go over board with it because I have a huge sweet tooth.
How has CrossFit improved your overall wellness?
For me, personally, it has allowed to me to get in some "work" outside of my main focused sports and help prevent imbalances that can happen from working in one plane of motion like you do with most endurance sports like running, cycling, ect. It has also allowed me to increase my overall monthly hourly workload by a few hours without having to add more miles.
Advice to new people:
Be consistent day to day with whatever activity you choose to be your main focus whether it is running, Crossfit, cycling or something else. One of my favorite quotes from Jerry West that applies to this is, "You can't get much done in life if you only work on the days when you feel good.". I am a big believer in taking rest days but I also think that you have to earn your rest days. You do have to be careful thinking that way though. I have gotten myself into a pretty deep hole at times. Just listen to what your body is telling you and take the time to understand what it is saying.Stress is stress, whether it is from a hard workout or from your job or from day to day life situations, your body does not know the difference between different types of stress so listen to what it is telling you and plan accordingly.