- Sep 1, 2020
- 4 min
September Athlete of the Month: Alyssa Hoffman
Congratulations, Alyssa! You are our September Athlete of the Month!!! Alyssa has been a part of NoCoast for a little over a year now and...
- Jul 31, 2020
- 4 min
August Athlete of the Month: Jason Cerny
Congratulations, Jason! You are our August Athlete of the Month!!! We would like to formally introduce Jason to our NoCoast community as...
- Jul 1, 2020
- 5 min
July Athlete of the Month: Nicole Wigston
Congratulations, Nicole! You are the NoCoast Athlete of the Month!! Nicole has been CrossFitting for almost 2 years now and, in that...
- May 31, 2020
- 6 min
June Athlete of the Month: Brett Bernstein
Congratulations, Brett! You are our June Athlete of the Month!! Brett has been one of our most consistent morning athletes over the past...
- Apr 29, 2020
- 7 min
May Athlete of the Month: Natalya Walsworth
Congratulations Natalya! You are the NoCoast May Athlete of the Month!!! Natalya and her girls have been so consistent with their At Home...
- Apr 2, 2020
- 4 min
April Athlete of the Month: Chris Guttormsson
Congratulations, Chris! You are our April Athlete of the Month!!! Chris has been a NoCoaster since the Fall of 2014. His goals are a...
- Feb 28, 2020
- 5 min
March Athlete of the Month: Regina Hoskins
Congratulations, Regina! You’re our March Athlete of the Month!! Regina joined her husband, Ryan, 9 months ago at NoCoast and has yet to...
- Dec 1, 2019
- 7 min
December Athlete of the Month: Robin Opie
Congratulations, Robin! You’re our December Athlete of the Month!!! Robin has been coming to NoCoast since August of 2017 and in his time...
- Oct 28, 2019
- 3 min
November Athlete of the Month: Cat Hanson
Congratulations, Cat! You are our November Athlete of the Month!! Cat started CrossFit at NoCoast only 9 months ago, but in that time she...
- Sep 1, 2019
- 4 min
September Athlete of the Month: Heather Hayes
Congratulations Heather, You are the September NoCoast Athlete of the Month! We’d like to officially welcome Heather to the NoCoast...